Insights to navigating & embracing wellness.

MentalHappy Blog

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Support Groups: Make Connections, Get Help

When we say the word “LIFE”, It means: Living is not F****** Easy! Just breathing and doing a 9-5 job is not life. You can have communication issues, bad experiences, nonsense addictions, meet people like nightmares, and have low self-esteem that restricts you from making frien

Newsletter July 2024

Hello Wellness Warriors, 🌱 How are you feeling in July? Stressed Out? Yeah, us too. Without inner peace, outer peace is IMPOSSIBLE. That's where yoga comes in, like a superhero in stretchy pants!

Newsletter May 2024

Hey mental warriors!🌷 Feeling like you're drowning in a sea of people, yet utterly alone? Yeah, us too (sometimes!). Mental health isn't just about feeling "crazy" - it's about feeling isolated, misunderstood, and even unseen.

Navigating Life's Ups and Downs with Grace

Life is a universal journey of peaks and valleys. We all experience moments of joy and periods of challenge. Understanding how to navigate these fluctuations gracefully can transform our approach to life’s inevitable ups and downs, making us feel less alone in our struggles.

Long-term Disability Support Group

ATN, a private mental health practice based in Utah, has initiated a support group to meet the increasing demand for mental health support among adults grappling with long-term disability (LTD).

Veteran Support Groups

VSG seeks to bring support and mental health resources to Veterans in a greater capacity than currently provided. Studies have shown that 2 out of 3 Veterans are not receiving the treatment they need to overcome these often unseen injuries.

Caregiver Support Group

SSC is a support group on the MentalHappy Platform for informal caregivers of people facing cancer. MentalHappy is a HIPAA-compliant, secure platform where participants can normalize, speak about, and share practices to overcome life’s challenges.

Newsletter April 2024

I CAN’T keep going at this PACE😩‍. Welcome, Serenity Seekers!🌷. Feeling like you're being juggled by a clown with questionable aim? Does your to-do list resemble a never-ending CVS pharmacy receipt?

Newsletter March 2024

March is a month as diverse as its spring blooms. It also holds the key to unlocking new beginnings. For YOU, it should be more than a date on the calendar. It is about to get awesome (and good for you too)!

Embrace the Messy: Managing Mental Health When Life Isn't Picture-Perfect

Mess: Untidy/dirty state of things or a placeLife isn't always smooth sailing. It can be messy. It can be unpredictable. Sometimes it feels like everything is just... well, SUCKING. Our messy lives can make us feel disconnected and overwhelmed in a world that loves order.‍

Newsletter: February 2024

Hey, Happy Human! Welcome to the Month of All Matters of Your Heart ❤️ Not just the Lovey-dovey stuff…Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: How's Your Heart Feeling Overall? This newsletter isn't about chocolates and roses. We’re talking Self-Discovery today!

Newsletter: January 2024

Ready to Make 2024 Your Luckiest Year Yet? Don't just wish for luck, engineer it… 2024 isn't about waiting for serendipity… It's about crafting your own damn luck…

SMART Vision Your Goals Into Reality

We're embarking on a magical journey into the fantastic world of vision boards—a creative space that's not just for fun but holds the key to unlocking the magic in your dreams.

Newsletter: December 2023

Despite everything 2023 tried to throw at you, YOU survived.It was easy to feel overwhelmed or disheartened, but in Sir Elton John's words, I’m Still Standing.

Expert Suggestions for Overcoming Depression, Loneliness, and Seasonal Sadness

Loneliness, sadness, and seasonal blues can make you feel down. But there are things you can do to feel better. These are building social connections, self-reflection, or joyous pursuits.

Newsletter: November 2023

But in the midst of it all… We all carve those heartwarming moments to keep our spirits high. So, guess what? We've got a treasure trove of reasons to bring a smile to your face today. Because my friends...

Happy Humans Community

Your Path to Wellness, Happiness, Gratitude & Life Satisfaction!Life's journey is filled with challenges, and we recognize that everyone can benefit from extra support and inspiration. That is why we've crafted this exclusive, nurturing community just for you.

The Healing Power of Laughter: How Does Humor Affect Mental Health?

Laughter profoundly impacts mental and emotional health, boosting mood through stress relief by releasing endorphins & Incorporating humor into your daily life can be a valuable tool for improving overall well-being and emotional health with many health benefits.

Hope in the Journey of Recovery: Your Guide to Moving Forward

This blog discusses how hope plays a vital role in your recovery journey and what are the best keys to restore your hope.

Jessica Smith
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Examining the Unbreakable Spirit of Survivors

Looking for solutions to examine the unbreakable spirit of survivors. We’ll also discuss how optimism, social support, and survivorship play vital roles in your overall health.

Dr. Pritika Gonsalves
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The Myth of the Lone Wolf: Men, Isolation and Mental Health

In this blog, we’ll explore why men go through life alone and how this isolation impacts their mental health. This blog also discusses the top strategies to break this cycle.

Broke and Broken: The Toll of Financial Stress on Mental Health

Frustrated with financial stress? In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how financial stress impacts your mental health and how to manage your finances efficiently. It will ultimately help you to make smart financial decisions.

How to Positive Self Talk Blog

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to use positive self-talk, what are its examples, benefits, and techniques. It also shares how self-talk will groom your personality.

Tamar Blue
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How Pets Affect Our Mental Wellness

Wondering how pets affect our mental wellness? In this blog post, we’ll discover surprising facts about emotional benefits of pets and the grief of losing them.

Courtney Hyzy
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Stop In The Name Of Love (Setting Early Relationship Boundaries)

Establishing boundaries in early relationships is essential. This blog guides what you need to stop in the name of love and what you should prioritize.

Courtney Hyzy
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Sophie shares her journey with a mysterious Chronic Illness

In this blog, Sophie tells us about herself and his diagnosis journey with a mysterious Chronic Illness. It is an interview of her from the start of the disease to today’s life.

Courtney Hyzy
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Seasonal Affective Disorder And The Holiday Season

5% of adults in the U.S. experience Seasonal Affective Disorder. Let’s uncover the symptoms of S.A.D., its causes, and ways to manage holiday stress without any seasonal affective disorder.

Courtney Hyzy
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Holiday Priorities: Don't Leave Self-Care off Your List

Master the art of self-care and enjoy healthy emotional, physical, and mental health. This blog shares what steps you should take for self-care for yourself and your loved ones.

Courtney Hyzy
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Coping With Infertility During The Holidays

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to cope with infertility during holidays. It also discusses how to handle your energies with boundaries, pregnancy announcements, and emotional well-being.

Courtney Hyzy
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Establishing Boundaries Within Your Long-Term Relationship

Need help with setting boundaries in long-term relationships? Learn practical strategies and steps to set boundaries to build a healthy relationship.

Courtney Hyzy
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Positivity is Sometimes Toxic

Toxic positivity means looking on the bright side to an extreme level. In this blog, you’ll learn examples of toxic positivity, how it hurts, its associated dangers, and how to handle them.

Courtney Hyzy
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How To Help Yourself During A Panic Attack

Panic attacks make any situation worse. This blog uncovers the symptoms of an anxiety attack. It also shares grounding techniques, mantras, and positive affirmations that help to get rid of it.

Courtney Hyzy
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7 Terms to Help You Navigate The Modern Dating World

Facing issues in modern dating? Find 7 valuable dating terms to help you navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.

Courtney Hyzy
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Want to support your immune system? Go with your Guts!

Your immune system plays a vital role in your overall health. This blog discusses how you can develop a strong immune system and what you must eat and avoid in this journey.

Tamar Blue
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Community Policy & Rules

MentalHappy protects all members’ personal information and communications on the platform, as well as ...

Tamar Blue
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Here's How Community Helps Us Heal

Over 200,000 years of human evolution have proven that we survive and thrive by forming and relying on the power of a close community of support. We can...

Tamar Blue
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Blaming Burnout on Me, Myself and I (oh, and society)

We are not Superman or Superwoman (or a super-person); we are only human, whether we want to admit this. We require rest to help our bodies and minds reset so we have the energy to...

Tamar Blue
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When someone great is gone: How to address grief in the workplace with empathy

Birthday cakes, gift cards, free lunches, snacks, movie tickets, and other perks are ...

Tamar Blue
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